Nicholas Tesluk
Artist in Pastels
About Nicholas Tesluk
Having been involved in some art form for his entire life, including music, drawing and performance arts, Nicholas began painting in oils in the late 1970s, but discovered the medium of pastel not long after. The vibrancy and immediacy of the medium was much more to his liking, and he has worked in pastels ever since.
For a period of time in the late 1990s and early 2000s, he took a hiatus from fine art to work in the graphic arts medium, creating artwork for his musical endeavors and to also create some commissioned works. Though he enjoyed (and still enjoys) working in graphic art he has found fine art more fulfilling, and the ability to express his visions, be they fantastic or realistic, in the fine art segment of the art world has been reawakened in him.
He served two successful years as President of the Pastel Society of New Mexico and eight years Chairing the National Show which he is, in fact presently doing. He is also the Communications Chair and A/V Director. He is presently working on musical projects with his duos Changes, Phase II and now also with Miel Noir. A new LP by Changes, which he co-founded in 1969 with his cousin R. N. Taylor has recently been released, entitled The Ballad of Robert de Bruce. It is the saga of Robert Bruce from his days of fighting with the English against his own Scottish people through trials and tribulations to becoming King of Scotland in the 14th Century. Never one to laze the time away, he is always glad to have busy but enjoyable work to do.
He has been honored to attend workshops given by acclaimed artists, Doug Dawson, Vasili Katakis, Casey Klahn, Kim Lordier, the late Elizabeth Mowry, Desmond O’Hagan and Liz Haywood-Sullivan. His works are included in several private collections in America.
Roadrunner Studio & Gallery
I'm quite honored that these works can now be seen at the Roadrunner Studio & Gallery, 2861 Highway 14, Madrid, New Mexico. Please pay them a visit.